Our vision

A problem in your hand or wrist directly affects your daily activities. Work, sports, school: basically on everything you do. As specialized hand therapists, we are trained to help you further.

Hand therapy from the perspective of occupational therapy

A problem in your hand or wrist directly affects your daily activities. You are hindered with your work, at school, with sports or simply with cooking. As soon as you have symptoms in your hand or wrist, you start to notice.

Of course, there is a difference in approach after an accident and surgery, or overuse. Nevertheless, even after surgery, we always look at it through an occupational therapy lens: on the one hand the technique, on the other hand your wishes and felt limitations. Therein we look for solutions. These can also lie outside the immediate physical injury (for example, in your work). Together we work on your recovery and goals.

We work as occupational therapists, and not physical therapists. Although physical therapists can take the same advanced training in hand therapy, we value our background. We look for solutions and do so from a broad and creative perspective. Your hand is much more than just a piece of (complex) technology. The impact of injury is broader than the inability to move your fingers properly (physiologically). It is precisely the effect on your daily activities that causes the limitations (ergonomic).

We can also make our own splints this way and customize them during the program. This is not possible with a physical therapist. Occupational Handtherapy is included in the basic health insurance package because of its proven effectiveness. Therefore, you do not need a supplementary insurance package like physiotherapy.

Making an appointment

You do not need a referral from your general practitioner for treatment: you can schedule an appointment right away.

Make appointment