Schedule, reschedule or cancel an appointment.

Would you like to make an appointment at Hand Therapy Amsterdam for a consultation? Or would you like to reschedule or cancel your appointment?

Making an appointment

1. Your information

2. Your appointment

Our offices





3. Referrer (or name of primary care physician).

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You will hear quickly when your appointment is scheduled.

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Reschedule an appointment

Appointment is appointment: we are busy and want to be able to do the maximum for each client. You may reschedule a made appointment up to 24 hours in advance on weekdays (Monday appointments must be rescheduled on Friday). This can be done by mail or phone. On weekends or holidays you cannot reschedule for the next business day.
After that, you will be charged for the treatment anyway.

1. Your information

2. Your current appointment

3. Your new appointment

Our offices





Thanks for your message

Thanks for your request to reschedule the appointment, if you are timely with your request, you will hear an alternative soon.

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Cancel appointment

An appointment is an appointment: we are busy and want to be able to do the maximum for each client. You may cancel or reschedule a made appointment up to 24 hours in advance on weekdays (Monday appointments must be cancelled by Friday at the latest). This can be done by mail or phone. On weekends or holidays you cannot cancel for the next business day.
After that the treatment will be charged to you anyway.

Would you like to change your appointment to another time? Please choose 'change appointment' in the menu above.

1. Your information

2. Your current appointment

Thanks for your message

We have received your request to cancel, if you are on time, you will get a confirmation message soon.

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